How to update Dehancer OFX plugin

How to update Dehancer OFX plugin

Minor Updates and hotfixes (e.g. 7.0 → 7.1)

Minor update replaces the existing plugin installation, keeping the node settings compatible and the current License Seat activated. Dehancer 7.1.0 for DaVinci Resolve is considered the minor update.

Generally, Dehancer settings in existing projects are not affected, but this depends on many factors, including DaVinci version, operating system and the entire processing chain. Thus, avoid updating the plugin while you are working on a project.

Major Updates (e.g. 6.5 → 7.0)

Major updates usually include new features and other changes that does not technically allow to maintain the plugin settings compatibility.

New major version will be installed as a separate, independent plugin. It will not be compatible with an old plugin node settings and requires separate License Activation.

You can use a spare Seat or just Deactivate an older version to re-use the existing License Key.

BETA Updates

1. Minor BETA versions will replace earlier releases.
2. Major BETA versions are installed as the separate plugins.

Generally the settings are not compatible with the stable release and the plugin requires separate License Activation. You can use a spare Seat or just Deactivate an older version to use the existing License Key for beta testing purposes.

We recommend that you AVOID UPDATING both the plugin itself and the host application until you are finished working on the important projects.